Motorola Razr, Android 2.3.6 per tutti

di Tania Ascari Commenta

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Il Motorola Razr può finalmente contare su un aggiornamento significativo del proprio sistema operativo, considerando che in questi giorni è stato reso disponibile Android 2.3.6.

Andiamo a scoprire il suo changelog:

Auto upload in connected gallery: New options to automatically upload photographs and videos from your Mobile to your PC and to automatically synchronize content between the two devices.

•         New user interface in settings menu

•         New Smart Action triggers and actions

o   VIP Caller Mode Action, allows user to set rules to individual callers. For example to enable an individual to call at night whilst silencing all others

o   Calendar Trigger

o   Wi-Fi connection (“Any” Wi-Fi networks) Trigger – allows you to set a trigger depending on the network you are connected to.

o   Auto Text SMS,  – allow you set up a rule to automatically reply to an SMS

o   Voice Announce incoming caller or incoming SMS messages

o   Create duplicate sample rules – allow users to clone a sample rule.

o   Sounds effects – i.e. when attaching/detaching actions in the rule

o   New Meeting rule – silences your phone when you are in a meeting 

•         Battery life improvements

•         Stability improvements on the platform and across all applications

•         Additional Enterprise features  – Password enabled Encryption Key Protection, Simplified Corporate Email Setup, Email sorting enhancements, Cisco and Juniper SSL VPN support

•         Camera performance improvements

•         Google™ Security patch



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